Sunday 29 December 2013

Last Monday of 2013!!!!!!!!!

Hai Guys,Namaste,vanakam and a very good sounds like a DJ ;)..OK how r u guys doing and today is the last Monday of 2013 and i cant believe it. Really? come on don;t joke? yes it is really the last Monday of 2013 :).It is like a glimpse and tadaaa....2014.Spread positivity and peace and lets make this world a better place to stay and plant more trees :).Ok back to flower talk :).Last week was Christmas week and it was a wonderful week for me as i get to visit my friends and my relatives,get to eat the best fruit cake and cookies.During this time a customer of mine ordered flower from me and she requested a simple flower arrangement to be kept in her house as many guests coming.She prefer yellow and dont ask me why.It is her favourite color i guess ;) .

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